1 Jelaskan personnel administration
Answer: The tasks, the person has to perform, the country of the global assignment, and other infotypes
2 Jelaskan tiga cara maintaning personnel administration
Answer: - Single screen maintenance (Individual Infotype Maintenance)
- Personnel Actions
- Fast Entry
3 Jelaskan Management of Global Employment Model
Answer: Aglobal employee can complete one or multiple global assignments for his or her global company
4 Jelaskan Initial Entry Screen for Infotype Maintenance
Answer: Infotypes that are most frequently used are grouped together by subject matter and assigned to statistic menus
5 Jelaskan search help
Answer: The search help function in the work area enables you to select personnel numbers according to certain criteria such as last name, first name, birth date, organizational assignment, and so on.
6 Jelaskan Infotypes
Answer: Individual information, such as last name, first name, and date of birth, is defined in data fields.
7 Jelaskan sub infotypes
Answer: Special subvariants of an Infotype
8 Selection using infotype number
Answer: Each Infotype has a numerical key in addition to a name key
9 Jelaskan Time Constaint in HR
Answer: - Time Constrant 1: This is mandatory information that must be uniquely available at all times
- Time constrant 2: This is optional information that, if available, must be uniqe
- Time constrant 3: This is optional information that, if available, can exist more than once
10 Jelaskan Maintaining Infotypes
Answer: Proccessing data already in the system, and entering and saving new data
11 Jelaskan Generating Histories
Answer: If you a new record when a previous record already exist, the system reacts in one of the following ways: it delimits, extends, divides, or deletes the record
12 Jelaskan fast entry
Answer: Fast entry enables you to maintain an infotype for more than one personnel number on a single screen
13 Berikan dua contoh kasus fast entry
Answer: - Individual employees receive bonuses of differing amounts at different times.
- All employees of an entire organizational unit receive the same bonus on the same date
14 Jelaskan personnel action
Answer: Sequence of Infotypes to map a personnel process
15 Jelaskan Hiring Action
16 Entry Screens for Hiring
Answer: Data is generally recorded for the above mentioned infotypes during the hiring action
17 Initial Screen
Answer: To hire an employee, select the entry screen for personnel actions
18 Actions
Answer: Prerequesite to the Organizational Assignment (0001) infotype
19 Personal Data
Answer: The personal data (0002) infotype stores an employee;s personal details
20 Dynamic Actions
Answer: Performed automatically by the system, depending on certain conditions
21 Organizational Assignment
Answer: company code, personnel area, personnel subarea, business area, employee group, and employee subgroup
22 Addresses
Answer: Often use together with the employee’s name from the personal data infotype (0002) in various employee list, forms, or for address labels
23 Planned Working Time
Answer: The defines the employee’s daily, monthly, and annual working times
24 Basic Pay
Answer: Default values are specified for pay scale type and pay scale area in the basic pay infotype (0008)
25 Bank Details
Answer: enter the employee’s bank key and account number
26 Absence Quotas
Answer: store the deduction from and deduction to dates here
27 Restarting a Personnel Action
Answer: Takes you to the sequence of infotypes assignment to the action, which can then maintain
28 Utillities in Master Data Maintenance
Answer: - Delete personnel number
- Change payroll status
- Change entry/leaving date
- Call employee
29 Additional Actions
Answer: enables you to log all of the personnel actions that you use additional actions infotype to log such personnel actions
30 Global Employment and concurrent employment
31 Management of global employment
Answer: - Planning of a Global Assignment
- Preparation for relocation
- Transfer
- During the assignment
- reaptriation
32 Infotype yang diperlukan dalam management of glo0bal employment
Answer: - Global assignment details (0710)
- global assignment status (0715)
- dependent information (0704)
- compensation package offer (0706)
- checklist information (0705)
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